
North Loop Survey - September 2016

  • Let Us Know What is Important to You!

    Help us shape our vision for North Loop so it will be a vibrant community and a thriving center for creativity and innovation.
  • Work Space Priorities

  • How important are high-speed internet, WiFi, video-conferencing facilities, etc.?
  • How important is it to be able to access your work space in North Loop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
  • How important are large, two-story spaces that are suitable for warehousing and/or manufacturing?
  • Livability Priorities

  • How important is having access to shared facilities such as a kitchen, break room, conference rooms?
  • How important is having a combined living and working space (e.g. an apartment above a work space)?
  • How important is easy access to green space, bike/hiking trails, and sports facilities (swimming pools, tennis courts, etc.)?
  • Environmental Priorities

  • How important is alternative transportation (bicycling, mass transit, etc.) to and from North Loop?
  • How important is it that North Loop uses sustainable energy (solar, wind, etc.)?
  • How important is it that North Loop uses recycled materials (steel, wood, glass, shipping containers, etc). in its construction?
  • Community Priorities

  • How important are the shared experience and networking possibilities of North Loop?
  • How important is it that North Loop be a setting for events (music, seminars, etc.) and play (volleyball, ping-pong, etc.)?
  • How important is it that North Loop be a venue for educational events (lectures, seminars, job training, etc.)?